Doom Projects

80s horror movie mod. Find your son and escape a murderous toy holocaust.

The toys are relentless. Blast ’em, maim ’em, and set ’em ablaze!


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Download Guns & Toys mod for use with other maps!

DoomGuy Review (in Russian)


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Strange Aeons

5-episode Lovecraftian megawad. Probably the reason you’re on this page.


chakan 3d ad

Hexen remake of the Sega Genesis cult classic.



Spin-off prequel to Killing Time: Doom action in the Swingin’ 30’s.




A hillbilly space elf goes on several adventures to save the galaxy.

A sci-fantasy series for Heretic and Hexen.




TC based on Splatterhouse.


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Project Einherjar

5-episode megawad set in a dystopian feminist police state.



Operation Sea Wolf

8-level remake of Operation Arctic Wolf set in the Junoverse.



Midgard Outlaw

2 Episode follow-up to Einherjar/Sea Wolf with new enemies and dynamic music effects.




An awesome adaptation of Robocop for Doom II.



Operation Body Count

A reboot/sequel to a terrible DOS shooter.


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Realms of Dr. Chaos

Action/puzzle maps for Heretic.




Tank combat in Doom!

Fight rioters and terrorists in a lawless autonomous zone while rescuing the residents trapped there.

The mod so spicy it was banned from the Zdoom forums!


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Ghoul School 3D

A short puzzle horror adventure comedy for Heretic.



The Cronus Camp for Wayward Boys

A (somewhat buggy) stealth horror game for Gzdoom.



Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

Guns and monsters replaced with the dumbest crap imaginable.




I combined all the Sailor Moon mods into a single revamped mod.

110 comments on “Doom Projects

  1. First two episodes of your Strange Aeons partial conversion were immensely enjoyable! Loved the moody, surreal, dreamlike feel of the environments from E1, and E2 reminded me early techbase-style maps from Chasm at times. That moving fortress/giant armored vehicle map from E2 is pretty memorable, you rarely see stuff like that in Doom.

  2. If Randolph Carter had the misfortune to inhabit the 21st century, I think you’ve well imagined the horrors he might encounter in the Earth’s dreamlands. Bravo.

  3. Hi, I was just playing Strange Aeons 5.3 using GZDoom 2.2 r889 and on map E2M3 the blue key wasn’t present. It was only when I found a YouTube playthrough of the level that I saw where it was meant to be, but on going there it just wasn’t present, meaning i was stuck in the room unable to get out.

    I did some testing and started the level from the map command, then noclipped directly there, and the blue key was present, but on doing the same thing with my save file from the start of the level, the blue key wasn’t present again.

    So it looks like a bug that doesn’t always happen, but when it does it gets saved within the savegame making progress impossible.

    • That’s why the site and readme recommend you play it in ZDoom. GZdoom devbuilds can throw things out of whack with a lot of mods. Try it in regular ZDoom and see if it still occurs.

      • Okay, I finally got around to trying it with ZDoom 2.9 r1021 (as I’ve always used GZDoom), and the exact same issue happens. In normal gameplay when the map loads on level transition, the blue key isn’t present in E2M3 resulting in you getting completely stuck. It must be a map issue as I’ve never had this kind of issue on any other mod.

      • Are you playing on easy? Apparently the key wasn’t flagged for those settings, so maybe that’s the issue. If you’re not playing on easy, I’m clueless what could be causing it.

  4. Playing on the second difficulty level – “Hey, not too rough”.

    Thing is, if I instead warp directly to the level using the map command, I can see that the blue key is present when I noclip over to it to test it, but when I play the game normally, going from level to level (and the only saves made were the autosaves at the start of each level) the blue key is missing so I end up locked in that room unable to continue.

    • Check the new version and see if it’s fixed. Otherwise I have no idea, unless it’s a devbuild issue. Zdoom 2.8.1 is the last version to have a news update, so I imagine that’s the latest non-beta release, and it never has this issue.

      • I think that fixed it! On seeing you mention the difficulty levels, I re-tested the level by setting the skill value then using the map command. At skill values 0, 1 and 2 the blue key was missing, but at 3 and 4 it was present, suggesting that it was indeed related to the difficulty level.

        On downloading your new version, skill levels 0, 1 and 2 now have the blue key present, so it appears to be fixed.

        Now I can get on with enjoying the rest of it. Many thanks! :)

      • Yep, confirmed as fixed now as even on normal level transitions through game progress the blue key is now where it is supposed to be. Oh, and it was just skill levels 0 and 1 that were affected, not 2 as I mentioned previously.

  5. Never did find a way to open that wooden door in the future dimension in Inn-escapable, boo hoo!
    Anyways, you can fall into the toilet and not get out of it without jumping in the starting dimension.

    • Weird. Thanks for the tip! I may or may not get around to fixing it at some point. Been focusing on the bigger mods the last few years…

      If you mean the wooden door hidden behind the “fridge” thingy, you have to open that door in the previous timeline, then quickly teleport to the next one and run through before it closes. I should’ve connected more of the doors that way as a clue to the solution.

      • The simplest fix would be to make the button that “flushes” the toilet shootable, since that raises the middle of it and would let you free.

      • Sorry to bother you about this map this late but I too have issues opening that door… As far as I can tell there is not even a switch that I can find in the previous timeline. I have been going though the map very thoroughly trying to understand what everything does but nothing seems to connect to that door behind the secret panel next to the “fridge”. Any more tips?

      • It’s been a long time since I even looked at that little experiment. I believe that’s the door that is jammed shut in the future scenario, but if you open it in the previous scenario it opens in the future, at least long enough to time-travel and run through it before it closes.

        Kinda like how there’s two berserk packs in the kitchen pantry, but if you grab the one in the previous scenario, it’s gone in the future; so if you grab the future one first, you can grab it again in the past.

      • Oh, also, no matter what weapon you have selected, you can alt-fire to deliver a deadly kick. That’s why ammo sometimes feels scarce: you’re encouraged to balance shooting and kicking people in the face where applicable. Hope that helps.

      • Oh no, I just noticed you’re playing an older version of the mod. If you play any other episodes, you’ll need to download the latest version so you don’t miss out on content and bug fixes.

  6. Pingback: | Strange Aeons [Doom II] E2M9 “Petting Zoo” – UV-Max in 4:30

  7. Not sure why some of your kids won’t work with doom touch… . I got around this on typing in the console changemap eday01
    Is there a similar command I could use with
    Project einherjar
    And m.o?

  8. Shah, there is a newer version of doom touch called delta touch, its based around gzdoom rather than zdoom, it works with alot of newer stuff though it can be laggy on some of Mike’s maps as well as some addons flat out don’t work.

  9. Mike, you’ve inspired me to make my own mega-wad inspired by Strange Aeons, I’m very thankful of you for this and I figured its only right if I asked you if I could borrow some of your code, specifically on the Ballistic knife from PE. It’s for a throw attack for a combat knife. You should also know that I have been using the Guns ‘n Monsters addon of SA but most of everything has been replaced and I’m merely using it for a guide on how to make a weapon and music changing wad.

    • Hey! You can look at the code, but it’d work better if it didn’t pierce, since that wouldn’t happen with a thrown knife at all. I think all I did to make it retrievable was use a particular spawn thing action in the death state, but it’s been so long I don’t recall. Go ahead and dissect my stuff if it teaches you how to use Decorate!

  10. Is Inn-Escapable for Doom 2 your first Doom/Doom 2 addon I’m thinking about doing your addons in order and want to know if this is where to start

  11. I know it’s not my business, but what happened to Carbon River? I really liked it. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want, I will understand.Thank you! All your otherstuff is really great too!

  12. played all of robocop DOOM – really enjoyed it. thank you! gonna try strange aeons now. saw your stuff by way of icarus liv3s. your efforts are greatly appreciated.

  13. Great work all around, I’m a big fan of Fears, Strange Aeons, Cronus, Robocop and especially Splatterhouse wad, played ungodly amounts of that one. Any Doom-projects you are currently working on? Keep up the good work!

  14. Hey, I played through Dynamite Duchess last week and I must say I absolutely loved it. The level design is amazing and I really liked it how almost every weapon also had an alt-mode for melee.
    Been a fan since Icarus made a vid on Strange Aeons (which I still consider one of my fav Doom mods.)

    • thanks for the reply man. I just found out there’s another Lovecraftian mod called Dead But Dreaming (i think) which looks positively dope. Might wanna give that a whirl, too.

  15. You’re one of my favorite modders in terms of your content. Splatterhouse 3D, Operation Body Count, Robocop, the Junoverse, you have all the bases covered for both total conversions and maps.

  16. I started playing Camp Cronus in VR and it’s super scary and even more of a challenge. Now I’m thinking if you made a purely stealth horror game all about sneaking around the monsters no weapons nada, it would be a blast to play in VR.

  17. Absolutely loved Dynamite Duchess! Gave me a vibes of Mayhem Mansion TC by darsycho. Level design and graphics are 10/10, weapons are fun as well as enemies are. The only complains is about ammo balance and turntable weapon. I played on hardest difficulty and everything was pretty okay until the final boss, I got no more ammo for Handmother’s second and third phases, so I just died a couple of times because I tried to kill her with my axe. About the turntable. I couldn’t get it because the first thing I bought was “Grand prize” and then I saved right after doing this. Boss fight started and because of killing that cat (?) I wasn’t able to buy a new weapon. Would be nice if all showcases opened after bosse’s defeat.

    I saw a topic about duchess on Doomworld, and it’s sad view. In my opinion every content be it a game or some arts is an expirience that author emits from himself to viewer, so why should he not give his expiriences about politics/quarantine? What a bunch of whinig dogs. Hope you will continue making cool tcs despite being banned.

    I also wanted to ask about Masha Kolesnikova, is there any way to cantact her (Preferably VK)? I’m making game of my own, searching for pixel artist right now.

    The last thing. Apettite for detention has a bug on the very start of the game. When I’m trying to leave a carpet sector on the cutscene with uncle screen starts fading to pitch black, so I can’t see anything even after cutscene ends. For more details – I used GZDOOM version that was packed with original dynamite duchess.

    Sorry for bad eng if there is any mistakes

    • The bug sounds weird. I never encountered it before, even with the packaged gzdoom version. Try it with a newer gzdoom and see what happens.

      Glad you enjoyed the mod, and thanks for stopping by! Not sure if I’m making any new ones yet.

    • When the same petty asshole keeps spamming negative comments just to rile me, I tend not to waste my time with them, especially when they don’t have the guts to use their real email. In this case, though, I’ll happily make an exception.

      If doomworld and zdoom attract personalities like yours, it says a lot about those communities, doesn’t it?

  18. I’m kind of late to party with saying this, but I’m really sorry to hear that you got screwed over by the ZDoom and Doomworld boards, I figured to be warry of their moral standards ever since the ZDoom board booted off Sgt_Mark_IV (for similar reasons to you from what I’ve seen), and since the a lot of people from Doomworld were bitching about some things in Wolfenstein: Blade of Agony which forced to the developers to censor some of the Mod.

    With that said, I hope this bullshit hasn’t crushed your Doom Modding Spirit, because you’re one of the best Modders there is IMHO (Strange Aeons is my favorite out of your work).

  19. After Day of Toys is complete RoboCop vs Terminator would be really cool. There was a RoboCop vs Terminator game back in the day on like SNES sadly we never got the movie.

  20. Is Dynamite Duchess 3: Carnival of souls already finished or is the current download only the first part of the game?

  21. Hello,
    I have recently completed Carnival of Souls (both endings), and am now playing Appetite for Detention. Really enjoyed Carnival of Souls, and am enjoying Appetite for Detention (with exception of the rather unforgiving dance minigame, died / had to restart the sequence too many times, but ultimately succeeded and hopefully never have to do that again xD).

    Anyway, I want to report what I think may be a bug in Appetite for Detention: vacuum cleaner (SuperVac) weapon can delete arbitrary NPCs, including the ones holding clues (the one in detention, for example), they don’t come back when reentering the map, seem to be gone permanently. I don’t think this was the intended behavior, as it can remove NPCs that one might want to revisit to read their codes / recipes / other stuff. If for some reason it was, maybe it shouldn’t allow to delete important NPCs.

    Also, in Carnival of Souls, the clockgear was HARD to find.

    P.S. I have left doomer boards, because I find recent 40oz treating of members to be insulting to sanity – trolls prevail, those who express the well-deserved hatred for trolls are being threatened with bans etc. Figured I would have better leave that place, for unfortunately nothing can be done if admin goes nuts. I have my own for a while anyway, it has been announced at doomer boards before. If you ever want to find me for whatever reason, you can get there, although you don’t have to: , you can check it is the same one as here

  22. Dude seriously your WADS are aCe!!,will always check your page for new projects,some of them i enjoyed infinitely more than some AAA games. :P Thank you so much for your work and ideas.

  23. why does dynamite duchess say “The controversial standalone adventure for Gzdoom!” did i miss something? i thought the same thing in that one hitler Easter egg in “day of the toys” what happened?

    • Doomworld elites got uppity about the anti-lockdown and anti-covid-hysteria sentiments, ganged up on me til I told them what I thought of them, then I got banned.

  24. Been catching up on Doom stuff and heard about the community cretin antics, spurring me to secure copies of your works (had already been meaning to replay Strange Aeons since I’d only played an incomplete version way back.) This finally got me to play Project Einherjar, and I must say it’s crazy-fun. I really like the Wolf/Doom hybrid feel + its unique touches like the knife. It’s nice to play mods by someone who actually understands the souls of classic FPSes.

  25. Really enjoy your creations (regardless if they are “finished” or “paused”, they are very creative and inspirational).

    Also don’t let limitations bother you… imho its more “fun” to make “unexpected” projects on g/z/doom, then going “boring” way of unity/unreal/whatever (unless its commercial ofc). I mean im saying this as a guy still has a PTSD from using UE3/UDK (so i came to the wild scene of doom 2.5d modding madness *after* i started out with “full 3d” lol).

  26. ok I’m have some serious issues with the dynamite duchess trillogy and I could use some help. detention fads to black the moment I move and I have no ideal how to interact in 3

      • turns out I’m stupid, the game just needed to be in gzdoom’s root, though I did find 1 other issue in the first game in the grove of Iduna it’s possible to accidentally trap yourself in the right handed courtyard if you turn the clock to the right activate the armor and than jump/fall into the courtyard without opening either of the alternate routes before hand

  27. okay now that I’ve played the first dynamite game to completion I can safely say you this total conversion does not get the recognition it deserves.

  28. Greetings, Mike MacDee! I was just looking through my reviews of your projects and noticed that you deleted all the videos from Dynamite Duchess, including trailers. Is it related to something?

    By the way, I passed “Chakan: The Tribute” a long time ago! Great remake! You can see here:

    I will also post more reviews of some other projects.

    Dynamite Duchess:

    Junoverse (Project Einherjar, Midgard Outlaw, Operation Sea Wolf):

    Robocop Doom:

    • Thanks for the links! I dig reading your articles. I cleaned out the old videos since I’m making a book series and I prefer to distance it from all the Doomworld drama, since my initial plan to use them as video game prototypes and build a dev team didn’t work out.

      • Damn, it’s a shame! But I used your walkthroughs when I was stupid somewhere. Yes, the trailers themselves fit the posts. It means you have to watch game streams from one user on Youtube.

      • By the way, what’s the drama? Purely most interesting. Otherwise, after the events with the ZDOOM Forum, I want to be aware of other DOOM Communities.

      • Alas, there is no English Version of my reviews, since I do not speak English myself (I communicate through Yandex.Translator myself or translate the information I need). Perhaps I will discuss this issue with the Site Administrator.

  29. Just a quick question, any hints of peaks at new doom projects you might be interested in or working on, that are similar Day of the toys? im only asking bc DOTT and many of your other mods are just absolutely phenomenal and Im sure many of us would love to see more mods like that one :)!

  30. Hi Mike!
    Sent you email recently regarding my problems with Chakan.
    Sad that i can’t progress any further cause this mod is great.
    It would be great if you could read my message and help me solve these problems.

  31. I decided to watch “DOOM Projects” and I see that several Games are missing. Where is Killing Time? Where is the Dynamite Duchess Trilogy? What’s wrong, Mike?

  32. Clever, creative, and FUN, as always! Glad to see you are still making fine DooM mods, regardless of forums and their so-called communities.

    Dynamite Duchess is unique and surprisingly colorful, in spite of DooM’s limited palate, and I love to hate every doll and horse (read: ass) face I come across in Day of the Toys. I’m going to try Mask of Sobek next!

    Thank you for keeping things fresh!

  33. Hey man, did you delete some of your projects? I can’t find Dynamite Duchess, Nerves of Steel, Killing Time…

  34. Tearing my hair out trying to find the wads you deleted. Would you kindly just reup them? Stupid forum drama’s not worth pulling stuff from your own damn site.

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